Missing keyboard support

Jörg Preiß J.Preiss at gastrofix.com
Wed Apr 18 09:17:37 BST 2001

Currently, I am using kdevelop 1.3, maybe this all has done in 1.4...

Yesterday, my mouse did not work, so I tried to use kdevelop with 
keyboard only... it was hell. There are a few hotkeys or menu entries 
missing: in the window menu, there should be entries for the output 
window and the project window.

Another point: I am working with Makefile-Projects, and I have to add 
lots of existing files. It would be nice if the current file would be 
selected and visible after adding it to the project. Currently, always 
the root item is selected and visible, so I always have to scroll down to 
the end...

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