learning Qt

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte ramon-diaz at teleline.es
Thu Nov 30 23:46:19 GMT 2000

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Bryan, Bill wrote:
> You need to learn C++.  It is basically C with the addition
> of classes ( and some other things ).  Learn to use C++ and
> classes first.  You should be able to find a book that teaches
> the difference between C and C++.  They are usually called 
> something like 'C++ for the C coder'.  I learned through the 

May I suggest "Thinking in C++", from B. Eckel? It is available both as a
"regular book" (i.e., you buy at a bookstoore) and for free in both html and
pdf format from www.BruceEckel.com. There is a volume 1, already in
bookstores, and a vol. 2, which is still work in progress; I found both well
written and very informative.



Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
Triana 47
28016 Madrid

email:ramon-diaz at teleline.es
Phone: +-34-918-513-966

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