how to implement threads?

Sandy Meier smeier at
Fri Nov 17 16:32:27 GMT 2000

On Freitag, 17. November 2000 15:48, you wrote:

> > I have a dual pentium and I want to make my program split into two
> > processes sharing the memory for speeding up the calculation...(
> > Is there a specially easy way to accomplish this under KDE, or in
> > general, does anyone know an easy introduction to thread programming?
> I also don't have to much experiance in that and I was looking for material
> and descriptions. I found a quite interresting archive on the net which I

I haven't tried it, but maybe Qt threads are an option?


inubit - Your e-Business Partner!
Sandy Meier, inubit GmbH   Sandy.Meier at
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