how to implement threads?

Bryan, Bill bill.bryan at
Fri Nov 17 15:20:54 GMT 2000

I have 0 experience with coding threads, but this is what I do know.
Threading is an O/S feature.  If KDE has threading in the API, then
investigate it.  You should also look at the threading mechanisms that
your O/S supports ( posix threads, p-threads, kernal threads.... ).  If 
you have to use the O/S api's for threading, don't do seperate threads 
for serperate pieces of the GUI interface ( I cannot say this is wrong from 
experience, but it feels that way ).  I would look at threading off the 
tasks that executed by the widgets in the GUI ( for example, when the user
presses an ok button and I have to do several task, I would have them run
serially or I could tread them to ensure that they execute simultanously -
if the tasks are no dependent on each other ).

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Sbanski [mailto:sbanski at]
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 8:54 AM
To: kdevelop at
Subject: how to implement threads?


I'm using kdevelop for my programming for a while, but I'm not too 
experienced in programming, in particular I have never programmed threads.

I have a dual pentium and I want to make my program split into two processes

sharing the memory for speeding up the calculation...( 
Is there a specially easy way to accomplish this under KDE, or in general, 
does anyone know an easy introduction to thread programming?



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