KDevelop for everyone!
Susumu Ikeda
MAH01513 at nifty.ne.jp
Sun Nov 12 00:16:21 GMT 2000
Hi Sandy,
I have tried Kdevelop many times using several distribusions, but
I couldn't find good distribusion that set right configulation of
htdig for search function.
For example, Caldera Technology Preview show successful message for
htdig but search function doesn't work.
Redhat Linux 7 is even worse.
I hope you Kdevelop package with right configulation for search function.
Sandy Meier <smeier at kdevelop.org>wrote>Hi!
>For all who doesn't have installed KDE1 or only "broken" KDE1-compat packages
>I have build a KDevelop test package (current KDevelop1.3 CVS) which should
>run on _every_ Linuxdistribution. If this is a solution, we will also build
>such a package after the KDevelop1.3 release.
>The requirements are:
>i386 compatible processor
>You can get it from ftp://ftp.kdevelop.org/stud/smeier/kdevelop/
>Have fun!
>P.S: Please don't forget to set the KDE2/QT2 paths in the KDevelop Setup
>dialog, if you want to develop for KDE2.
>email: smeier at kdevelop.org ICQ: 27681958
>the KDevelop project: http://www.kdevelop.org
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Susumu Ikeda MAH01513 at nifty.ne.jp
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