A cool feature...

Benjamin Ellis bmellis at uark.edu
Wed Nov 1 19:17:16 GMT 2000

I haven't had much time to look at what is going in KDevelop2, but I was 
thinking about a really cool feature today when I was day dreaming in 
anthropology.  It's not a new feature in that it has not been done, it's 
actually in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.  What i'm talking about is what I call 
function completion and hints.  I'm talking about the way you can start 
typing out your class function definitions, for example, and the IDE will 
have a small popup that will show all possible functions or variables names 
that match what you have typed so far, so you can click which one you want, 
or press space if it's one the function or variable you need.  It's kind of 
like the URL completion in Konqueror.  Another thing this does is it 
reconizes when you're typing in a function, it will have a small popup that 
shows what the argument types are or has a scroll list for each function by 
that name.  

This is just a cool feature that I have found useful when using VC++ and 
would like to see it in Kdevelop 2..   So if anyone is working on something 
like this i'd like to hear about it.   If no one has made anything like this, 
I might consider working on a feature like this.  

Give me your feedback.

- Ben Ellis

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