
Mark Gulbrandsen mark at zserve.com
Mon Jun 12 18:47:49 BST 2000

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> On la, 10 kesä   2000,  Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > The moc-file doesn´t get generated. Is the Q_Object macro in the header
> > declaration ?
> Yes it is.
> > It should work with kdevelop if you follow the hints in the KDevelop
> > tutorial handbook from chapt. 1-4.
> Which handbook exactly are meaning? "The User Manual to KDevelop" and "The
> KDevelop Programming Handbook" documents that came with KDev1.2 don't even
> have chapter 1-4...

I had this problem last night when I created a class that extended 
QMainWindow. Using the Kdevelop GUI to create the class, I forgot to indicate 
that Kdevelop should create a QWidget child class; the compiler complained 
about a similar problem: something about virtual table. To solve the problem, 
I re-created the class, but this time I indicated that it was a QWidget child 
class; the problem disappeared.

Hope that helps.


Mark Gulbrandsen
Software Engineer
System Administrator
Official Geek

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