KDevelop 2.0 problems.

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at msoe.edu
Sun Jun 11 14:33:56 BST 2000

I have the latest KDE 2 build installed with the latest
KDevelop build installed and when i run KDevelop i get
the following error.

Instance kdevelop has no about data
KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalouge. Fix the program
kdevelop: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalouge. Fix the program
kdevelop: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalouge. Fix the program
Segmentation fault 

There it ends....

It also hangs on generateing the KDE2 documentation.

Any clues?


	-ian reinhart geiser

| Ian Reinhart Geiser - Computer Engineering Student|
| HOME: <geiseri at msoe.edu>                          |
| WORK: <geiseri at linuxppc.com>                      |
| WEB:  http://www.msoe.edu/~geiseri                |

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