ksgmltools (additional question)

mh moloch at nikocity.de
Thu Jul 13 16:38:41 BST 2000

Ralf Nolden, Mit, 12 Jul 2000 :
> Steven Suson wrote:

> I think you can use the html tag <img src="yourfile.png">. There are
> some KDE docs of 1.1.2 who use that in their sgml file for screenshots,
> just remember that it won´t work for latex or postscript output (which
> is why I left screenshots out of kdevelop´s books)

since you are talking about ksgmltools, I dare to ask an additional
When I try to generate the documentation using ksgml2html, I get the
following message:

Using existing index.nif.
sgml2html: can't find -N or -N.sgml
Copying icons...
*** Erfolg ***

When I use sgml2html instead, I can't insert an image at all:
sgmls: SGML error at index.sgml, line 10 at " ":
       Undefined IMG start-tag GI ignored; not used in DTD
sgmls: SGML error at index.sgml, line 10 at "=":
       ARTICLE end-tag implied by data; not minimizable
sgmls: SGML error at index.sgml, line 10 at "=":
Can anybody explain this please?

Thanks Michael

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