Debugging within Kdevelop 1.2 - Feature request

Serge Lussier lusse at
Sat Jul 8 23:09:57 BST 2000

> I disagree :-)
> Sometimes I want to "run" sometimes I want to "debug", regardless of
> breakpoints are set or not. Note that I may want to run under the debugger
> _without_ having any breakpoints set, which means I must have a "debug"
> button.

Ok, all the other IDE ( which have debuger feature ) are wrong then ...
> I think the problem is that my documentation isn't very good for the
> debugger. I'll have to do better next time :(
   - No, don't worry, it is still so cool to have it and it is easy to use
     once I have found when I can use it. ( After re-compiled the sources
     which contains the breakpoints.:)

John, Rene, I did not want to (argument?) about the run's  behaviour.
As the subject mention - it is a feature request. - Not a critic...
Also as I said, Kdevelop is near the perfection for me. I am just getting
lazy. :)))

Serge Lussier

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