Documentation Browser history

Bjoern Krombholz bjkro at
Fri Feb 18 13:29:25 GMT 2000

I'm very confused with doc browsers back and forward lists. When I start
browsing through QT pages everything is OK. But a lot of clicks later
especially the back button doesn't do what I want him to do. It doesn't
bring back the previous page but another one I opened few clicks ago.
Also choosing an entry of history list won't open the wanted link.

To repeat this error take half an hour for browsing through
documentations ;).

Another thing:
When removing a file "a" from disk and choosing another one in LFV a dialog
appears asking (because "a" was changed outside the editor) wether to reopen
this file from disk, but it will be the same, if you choose yes or no,
because it is not there anymore - nothing critical, but a wastefulness of
recources, isn't it ;o).

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