Mandrake 7.0 ( for integrated debugger ) - AND - legal question

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at
Sun Feb 13 10:35:25 GMT 2000

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Jerry L Kreps wrote:
> as long as your don't  sell or give your binaries to a third
> party you can use GPL tools till the Sun stops shining. If,
> on the other hand, you are distributing the binaries to
> individuals who are NOT working for your company, then you
> must release your modified source code  with the binaries or
> give the source to anyone who asks for it AND you must
> purchase a Qt license to continue using KDevelop for
> commerical production.  IMHO, but IANAL.

Nonsense. KDevelop is under the GPL, Qt 2.x is under the QPL.
The GPL is only relevant if you distribute KDevelop. There
are no restrictions on _using_ it at all. The QPL is relevant
if you either distribute Qt itself or make applications which
link to Qt. Again, there are no restrictions on _using_ 
applications which link to Qt. If they are any questions on the 
details of the license, the best is to ask the copyright holders, 
i.e. for Qt info at


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