Mandrake 7.0 ( for integrated debugger ) - AND - legal question
Serge Lussier
lusse at
Sat Feb 12 18:16:28 GMT 2000
HI jbb anf All - This is a long message.
- I want to apologize for the late response, and more important
the fact that I did not install the latest Kdevlop version to test
against Mandrake 7.0 . I'm sorry.
The reason is because I am in a huge rush at work. So rush than I have
to work also at home .
I am writing software for monitoring our jukebox's transactions over PPP
/ TCP/IP communications.
( server / client/ presentation client applications) Maybe you're
wondering why I'm exposing my situation...
Here is why - ( if you're curious ) because I'm going to ask a delicate
question regarding the GPL licenses.
- My employer is Touchtunes Music Corporation. ( NASDAC: TTMC )
Or Touchtunes Digital Jukebox ( here in Canada ).
Take a look at if you want more informations.
The fist two parts of my project is done ( client/ server) they are
deamons-like processes with no need of
user interface running on Linux machines. I've made it in c/c++.
Here is my delicate situation:
- Now I have to write a client application which will display the
status of our machines ( touchutnes servers,
jukebox status etc... ). Thus, a GUI client for the network operator
and other development departments.
I want to point this: Because I'm processing confidential and internal
information, I can't relase to public any software I make in the
company. This software is for internal use only.
During the development , I wrote a GUI for testing the first two parts
to visualize my tests.
And yes, I've made it with the help of Kdevelop under KDE/QT on my Linux
workstation at work AND at home.
During hte development, I was really impressed of how it is easy with
Kdevelop, KDE and QT .
So pleased, than I started to make my GUI test client more complex and
- BUT, since I don't understand the KDE/QT and Kdevelop licenses and
how I can make my employer
to go into legal complications, -AND- before I continue, I'm scared
that I'm violating the QT / KDE /Kdevelop CopyRights.
I don;t have GUI development experiences. Thus I wish I could keep using
QT/KDE/Kdevelop at work
for our internal use. And my employer does not have enough budget for
tools without a serious study of a project.
( QT Windows/UNIX commercial license is about $30000 can. ... OUCH! ).
- This only invoque the GUI/client part of the project. If I'm
violating any thing, I will destroy
all of what I made with QT/KDE/Kdevelop tools.
I was planning to write it in JAVA because of the multi-platform
facilities, tools we already have payed the
legal fees. ( .. and also M$-Visual C++ $$$ -:( wich I won't touch and
thing about ).
Then, can I write the third part ( Presentation client ) using
KDE/QT/Kdevelop ?
- I 'm really screwed with the QT Linux CopyRights I can't catch the
usage limits under Linux
againdt the professionnal QT licenses.
- I don;t want to involve my chief project at wok with legal stuff. ( I
don;t want him to know for now )...
- This GUI software is not going to be used for profits/commercial
usage - only as an internal tool.
- I just started to have some professionnal implications. So I'm a
thanx very much for your attention and your help.
Serge Lussier,
Learning the wonderful world of Linux at:
lusse at -> at home
but still intensively playing M$-Windows Tribbes game as
-|ll|-LinuxBretz player
on the < Cain's Lair > server. - EVERY DAY -
lusse at -> at work.
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