IDE Test in German Linux Intern magazine

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at
Fri Feb 11 07:17:52 GMT 2000

Hi all,

for those who're interested: I bought a german computer magazine "Linux
Intern", which is a "PC-Intern" special, a few days ago. They have two
articles worth to mention covering something about KDevelop:

a) Development Environments:

In a test (including Java IDE's as well) against CodeWarrior,
CodeCrusader, Moonshine, GIDE, CForge, BX Pro/CIK and Source Navigator,
C-Forge got the prize ;-( so we have still a good way to go to hit even
commercial packages (or the testers...)

KDevelop ended up under the first 5 in the following order:

4.KDevelop together with Source Navigator

The results:

Documentation (25%):  1.3
Programmig languages (25%): 3.0
Functionality (25%): 3.0
Stability (25%): 2.0

Result: 2.3

Price: 1.0  ( ;-) )

Price/Power: 1.6

b) Widget Programming

This article features KDE/Qt widget programming by creating a new widget
by example. The passages about KDevelop (including screenshot):
"...As every KDE-application should use the Autoconf/Automake packages,
one should inform himself very well about those packages. Because of
that, before you spend many hours with those things, look at KDevelop
( It offers the programmer an IDE known from windows
and maintains the ... package including the documentation. Furthermore,
it takes over the internationalization of the project, and for easily
creating windows it contains a dialog-editor..."

At the end the article says something about generating HTML Api
documentation that points to the KDevelop documentation for further

The only thing I didn't like about the magazine was that it doesn't
include a KDevelop RPM on the  SuSE 6.3 evaluation CD ;-( 



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