Project template creation

Dan Pilone dpilone at
Tue Feb 8 15:22:11 GMT 2000

Previously written in blue crayon:
 > at the files cproject.cpp and ckappwizard.cpp. 80% of the handling is
 > hardcoded in these files.

	Ok, I started hacking on the CVS version but it's not an easy
fix.  Since building a part is basically building a shared library,
it's pretty different.  I have a simple version going now, but I
really don't like it.  Are there any plans to rework the handling of
creating new projects?  The methods I've needed to edit are pretty
large and have a lot of if/elses going on based on project type.  I'm
afraid I've missed some, or something like that.  Right now I'm using
getBinProg (or whatever) and storing the name in there, but when I
actually update the makefile I use lib_LTLIBRARIES instead of
bin_PROGRAM, etc.  It's just getting ugly with the if/else stuff going 
on.  Also I had to edit to have it create the right
template.  What I wopuld like to do is have something automatically
prefix the name with 'lib' where necessary but again, I'm worried
about breaking other code.  Anyway, please don't take this as a
complaint, kdevelop is really great work (which is why I want to get
this stupid part stuff working.. :) ) but I'm wondering if there are
any plans to work on the makefile/project building stuff. -- Dan

 Dan Pilone					Blueprint Technologies
 dpilone at
 Foundations for Successful Software	        PH: 703-827-0638 x 233

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