New KDE2 Binaries

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Tue Feb 8 13:10:44 GMT 2000

Hello Daniel,

I am putting a copy of this response into kdevelop and kfm-devel list for 
others input as well.

On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> I downloaded the new binaries and found the following:
> (1) "libutempter" is missing for konsole. We discussed about this some
> days ago. Did you find out why it is compiled into with RedHat ?

I have no idea, and honestly unless someone on one of the lists have a clue I 
really do not have the time to researc.

> (2) KDevelop - Setup shows "Building KDE-Documentation" and nothing
> happens. After cancelling it says "Tip-Database not found" and the icons
> are broken (black).

I saw the same thing, but have never really gotten the kdevelop documentation 
to work right in the alpha builds. I have an outstanding question in the 
kdevelop list on where all the docs need to go and no-one has responded yet.

> (3) The idea to make a "big" snapshot is good. It makes it easier to
> download.

For those with high-speed connects. I have noticed that the dial-up's seem to 
time out pretty frequently, but I will continue this approach and make both 
the large and small packages.

> One word to "libutempter". Here in Germany is Linux = SuSE (a big
> magazine wrote this). I´ll help you to make KDE2 run on SuSE 6.2 if you
> think it is necessary (maybe you got mail from users running SuSE).
> Please mail how to support you.

Unfortunatly it is a package I do not have a copy of and really can't go buy 
right now (Of course if someone from SuSe wants to send me a copy: 170 Exeter 
Street, Hartford, CT 06106 USA). I did look in my local CompUSA the other day 
and can't find it. Without having the software here I have no idea what I am 
trying to build. If I can get a copy then I am willing to build to that. Of 
course, I will probably build for 6.3 rather than 6.2 since that is the 
current version. Is SuSE downloadable?

Thanks for the offer of help. The problem is I haven't seen the problem and I 
have no idea where to start.

Let me ask, if you install and do a --nodeps and a --force on rpm will it run?

BTW (By The Way): Does anyone have an electronic copy of that magazine 
article. Don't worry about translation, if in German, it may take me a few 
hours but I'll get through it.

Christopher Molnar                 
New England Business Services, LLC
Hartford, CT USA
molnarc at

"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"

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