Wish: Good folder management
Ralf Gerlich
Ralf.Gerlich at t-online.de
Fri Feb 4 14:04:54 GMT 2000
> One of the things KDevelop lacks (in my opinion) is the possibility to
> create a new class in
> a folder.
> First of all, folders are quite inconsistent at present. You can create
> a folder in the
> class viewer but it is not created as a subdirectory in the filesystem.
> On the other hand, you can add
> a new file located in a subdirectory and it is showed in a folder in the
> classview. What's this mess?
> First need: Creation of a subdirectory whenever a new folder is added to
> the classview.
> Second need: Creation of classes in folders. That's easy when the first
> need is fulfilled.
> I can add support for all of this if everybody agrees. Suggestions?
> Opinions?
Good idea! What about adding support for moving a class from one folder
or the main folder to another?
Just my $0.02
Ralf Gerlich Ralf.Gerlich at t-online.de
Passionate programmer http://www.d-design.net/rgerlich/
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