remove - solution

Jerry L Kreps JerryKreps at
Fri Feb 4 12:32:52 GMT 2000

llornkcor at wrote:
> < > And write a FAQ for this list.
> >
> > Perhaps a better solution than writing a FAQ is to have the list
> > broadcast a reminder every month that gives instructions for common
> > tasks like unsubscription.
> some lists put that stuff on the bottom of every post,
> but I think it clogs up my eyes.

The SuSE list does that.  When replying to a message some
people don't delete the unsuscribe reminder and it can be in
several replies multiple times.  So there is a trade off. 
Like I told Matt, the second response email after a person
suscribes always contains unsuscribe and other list
commands.  I aways make a folder to put list specific email
msgs in, the responses from Majordomo are always the first
to be added.

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