suggestion for auto breakpoints

jbb jbb at
Thu Feb 3 20:47:21 GMT 2000

Hi all,

The problem for me here is that I just don't believe this will be very useful
in a debugger, so it's difficult to raise any enthusiasm for it. There's other
features I want to see that will take my time, not to mention fixing the bugs
in the current version. :(

But, I see that some of you are getting a bit of a head of steam up to take a
crack at this. This is great news :-) Some of the things you'll need will have
to be done for features like breakpoints on functions matching a regular
expression. Here is where are paths coincide, so organising these things
first will benefit all of us.

I still suggest you "prototype" this idea first and see if its actually useful.
Do the simple debug function and write a script to add it to every function in
your sources. Then give it a whirl in a real world situation. Be objective
about your testing (not like me :-)

Also give gprof and gcov? a really good bash. I think these hold more promise
for what you want to do, although in a different way. Perhaps kdevelop could
have some support for these tools to make them easier to use?

When you've decide that you really do want it then, we'll talk about some
details how we can go about this. I've got in mind a patch to kdevelop at first

If I every finish the debugger, which is looking less and less likely :(, I was
going to look at getting kdevelop to support a memory checker, perhaps
dmalloc. For me this is required essential feature. If any body has the time out
there to start investigating this, I'll help out as time permits.


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