suggestion for auto breakpoints

Paul Campbell kemitixanzantix at
Thu Feb 3 18:41:03 GMT 2000

On Wed, 02 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 Petr Sorfa wrote:
> >Hi John,
> >
> >I think the idea may have its merits. The problem is to determine
> >whether it needs to be developed at kdevelop level or at the debugger
> >(gdb) level. There are hidden joys of this. You can trace program
> >execution, function call count, function time usage and other uses.
> That's what gprof was made for.
> Bernd.

What about setting breakpoints against a particular class?  Thus the program
flow only passes to the debugger when it hits the flagged class(es).  I
imagine this would be (un)set in the Class View.

Just a though of the top of my head.  Not thought through any implications. 
Fire at will. :)

Paul Campbell
kemitixanzantix at

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