Still havin problems with kdevelop1.3

Ralf Nolden nolden at
Sat Dec 16 03:42:47 GMT 2000

Roman Breuer wrote:
> Hi Sandy,
> I have set QT2-Dir to /usr/lib/qt2/,  and KDE2-Dir ist set to /opt/kde, but this path is not accepted
> because
> in /opt/kde is only the directory share and nothing else (RH7.0). I wonder where all the
> stuff (which you see after a SuSE-KDE2-installation) has gone... :o(
> I cannot find the right path for this entry.
> Roman


as you might have noticed, I´m studying at the RWTH Aachen, electrical
engeneering. If your troubles continue, I can have a look when I´m
around. Just drop me a mail in case you need some help. I really would
like to see our students use KDevelop, especially those that want to
learn C++ and KDE programming because I feel very sad that I am almost
the only one at our university involved in KDE while it claims to be one
of the "pro" unis in germany ;)

> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 \_\_\_\_  \_  \_\_\_\_\_  \_   Rheinisch-
>                 \_   \_\_ \__ \_  \_  \_  \_   Westfaelische
>                 \_\_\_  \_\_\_\_  \_  \_\_\_   Technische
>                 \_  \_   \__ \__  \_  \_  \_   Hochschule
>                 \_   \_   \_  \_  \_  \_  \_   Aachen
>                 ============================================
>                 Workstation-Verbund            RECHENZENTRUM
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roman Breuer, Rechenzentrum RWTH Aachen
> e-mail: breuer at

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde

Ralf Nolden

The KDevelop Project

nolden at
rnolden at

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