crash on template struct

Xiaowen Wang swangken at
Mon Apr 24 21:44:57 BST 2000

I was using Kdevelop1.0-3 quite coming with LinuxMandrake quite happily
recently. But today, kdevelop crashed on a template structure
definition. I tried to work it around by modifying the struct's
definition, but it's still working very sensitively to some template

Here's my original code which kdevelop didn't like at all, and I found
what it actually didn't like is the partial specialization:

  template < class _Tval, int _Nrows, int _Ncols, bool _is_row_major
=false> struct _Dotter;
  // do dot product for column_major matrix' row with vector
  template < class _Tval, int _Nrows, int _Ncols >
  struct _Dotter<_Tval,_Nrows,_Ncols,false> {
    _Dotter(const _Tval* mat, const _Tval* vec) :_mat(mat), _vec(vec) {}
    inline _Tval operator () const {
      toolbox::strided_iterator<const _Tval*,_Nrows> __from(_mat);
      return toolbox::inner_product<_Len>::apply(__from, _vec);
    const _Tval *_mat, *_vec;
  // do dot product for row-major matrix's row with vector
  template < class _Tval, int _Nrows, int _Ncols>
  struct _Dotter<_Tval,_Nrows,_Ncols,true>  {
    _Dotter(const _Tval* mat, const _Tval* vec) :_mat(mat), _vec(vec) {}
    inline _Tval operator () const {
      const _Tval* __from = _mat;
      return toolbox::inner_product<_Len>::apply(__from, _vec);
    const _Tval *_mat, *_vec;

So after it crashed, I tried to adjust my code.
Here's the piece of code (actually it's only the constructor that chokes
it up) which I found kdevelop still crashed on:

  template < class _Tval, int _Nrows, int _Ncols, int _StrideDot, int
_StrideMove >
  struct _Dotter
    typedef _Dotter<_Tval,_Nrows,_Ncols,_StrideDot,_StrideMove> _Self;
    _Dotter(const _Tval* mat, const _Tval* vec, _Tval coef=1)
:_mat(mat), _vec(vec), _coef(coef) {}
    _Dotter(const _Self& dotter) :_mat(dotter.mat), _vec(dotter.vec),
_coef(dotter._coef) {}
    inline _Tval operator () const {
      toolbox::strided_iterator<const _Tval*,_StrideDot> __from(_mat);
      return _coef*toolbox::inner_product<_Len>::apply(__from, _vec);
    const _Tval *_mat, *_vec;
    _Tval _coef;


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