Todays mailbombing top three

Ehmke Eggert ICN WN ES D 56 Eggert.Ehmke at
Tue Apr 18 14:28:35 BST 2000

I got llornkcor's message five times, but at different arrival time stamps:
15:21, 15:23, 15:23, 15:25, 15:26. If this might clear the situation, I
don't know.

Eggert Ehmke

Eggert Ehmke	Siemens AG Berlin       ICN WN ES D 56
		Email:	eggert.ehmke at
		Telefon:	+49 30 386 29796
		Fax:	+49 30 386 25374

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	llornkcor [SMTP:llornkcor at]
> Sent:	Tuesday, April 18, 2000 3:25 PM
> To:	kdevelop at
> Subject:	Re: Todays mailbombing top three
> I am getting triples of some emails also.  I think it could be the
> list, since many people are experiencing the same. OR it could be
> someones mis-guided mailserver spitting out at times.
> LP
> -- 

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