When is a class added to the list of moc files

Werner Modenbach modenbach at alc.de
Mon Apr 17 17:43:16 BST 2000

Recently we created a class which was derived from QFrame.
Everything worked fine until we tried to create a signal.
The linker reclaimed for a missing reference.
It took us a long while to find out that there is no meta object created from
our class. Where do I tell to build a meta object. Isn't it possible to do this
automatically when detecting signals or slots?

After we fixed this (by creating a new project and transfering the source to
the prebuild classes - our project ist still small ;-)) now we tried to connect
the signal to a slot of another class.
This seend to work fine, but unfortinately when I debug until the emit
statement the emit returns without calling the slot.

Do I have to take care about some specialities to make this work?

Thanks for any hints.

- Werner -

BTW: We are using kdevelop version 1.0

Werner Modenbach		 modenbach at alc.de
ALC Computertechnik GmbH	 http://www.alc.de

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