[Q]: My app wont run outside Kdevelop

Jerry L Kreps JerryKreps at alltel.net
Sat Apr 15 16:19:27 BST 2000

On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Jerry Kreps wrote:
> > BTW, I am a devoted SuSE and KDE fan.  The best software engineering in
> > the world comes out of Germany, as those two packages testify!
> How about KDevelop ? ;-)

That too!  (You'll have to pardon this 60 year old brain, some parity
bits won't toggle!)  I am using it to develop a set of VFP widgets to
add to the KDE toolkit.  (I use VFP at work exclusively,but I am
a newbie to C++ and hope I finish the widgets before I die... 8-) 


> KDE and KDevelop are international projects now but were started in
> Germany ;-)
> Ralf
> -- 
> Zladdi forever: Krisch Isch Plack !!
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