ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha 20000404 Binaries available

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Tue Apr 4 18:24:34 BST 2000

 As most of you know or have heard KDELIBS have been frozen, so I
 have just made available a new version of KDE2 Alpha binaries in RPM
 and -bin.tar.gz format. Also available are the sources that worked to compile
 these packages.
 Most likely there will not be another release of the Alpha binaries until
 the end of April. If I update any packages it will be the package itself
 and not the whole distribution.
  Please read the README file in the directory, this tells you most of what
  you need to know to install and update.
  These files are available via ftp from:
  or via http at: (follow links for kde2 Alpha 
  You will also be able to find these at (after a few days):
  If you want to try koffice from kde 1.x without updating the rest of kde
  you may want to try the RPMS from David Faure (faure at at (these
  were packaged for Mandrake but should work on other RPM based distros):
  These binaries are built from CVS as of 03 April 
  2000 at 11:30pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time (-0500).
  Please bring all install questions to the un-official 
  kde-alpha list at kde-alpha-request at
  The installs have been tested by me on a RedHat 6.1 
  and Mandrake 7.0 machine. They have also been reported to work on all 
  other distributions.
  You will need to do a --force and a --nodeps on the rpm 
  If you are running prior Alpha's I highly recommend you 
  update. There are a lot of fixes and some structural 
  changes in the packages. 
  You will also find Source tar.gz's in the same 

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