Objective-C support for KDevelop, KWrite and KDoc - SUBMISSION

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 29 19:28:21 BST 1999

This is my third attempt to send this message I'm afraid - the attachment was
too big for MajorDomo (thankyou Sandy Meier for telling me it had got lost).
The second attempt sent the attachment again, even though I thought I had
deleted it from the forwarded KMail message. I have ftp'd the package to the
pub/incoming directory on ftp.gnustep.org, so it can be obtained from there.

Here is the text of the message again:

> Thankyou for putting my Objective-C patch for KDevelop-1.0beta3 on the
> KDevelop web site last month. Here is the same patch for kdevelop-1.0beta4
> with some extras as 'kdeobjc.tar.gz'. This email supercedes the beta3 email.
> I've also ftp'd it to the GNUstep site, as it now includes support for all the
> GNUstep code (GNUstep is the equivalent of Qt/KDE libs for Objective-C).

-- Richard Dale

It contains the following.

-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      3878 1999-10-28 14:21 README
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke     17589 1999-10-28 12:08 gnustep.kdevprj
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke     61508 1999-10-28 12:08 gnustepbase.kdevprj
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke     93060 1999-10-28 12:08 gnustepgui.kdevprj
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      6527 1999-10-28 12:08 gnusteptesting.kdevprj
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      8547 1999-10-28 12:08 gnustepxgps.kdevprj
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke     23954 1999-10-28 14:51 kdedocobjc.patch
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      4601 1999-10-28 12:06 kdevelop-1.0beta4autocopy.patch
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke     42044 1999-10-28 12:06 kdevelop-1.0beta4objc.patch
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      3321 1999-10-28 12:07 kwriteautocopy.patch
-rw-rw-r-- duke/duke      3141 1999-10-28 12:06 kwriteobjc.patch
-rw-r--r-- duke/duke       883 1999-10-28 14:12 x-objcsrc.kdelnk    

The text from the README file is below.

-- Richard



Here are patches to provide Objective-C support for the KDevelop IDE,
the KWrite text editor and the KDoc javadoc-like documentation
extraction tool.

*        kdevelop-1.0beta4objc.patch
*        kdevelop-1.0beta4autocopy.patch

*        kwriteobjc.patch
*        kwriteautocopy.patch

*        kdedocobjc.patch

The '..objc' patches add Objective-C support - syntax highlighting,
class browser, '.m' files as source and so on.

The '..autocopy' patches fix the KDE copy and paste behaviour so it
is similar to OPENSTEP or the Mac. Normally, if you just select some
text it automatically copies it to the clipboard (without using the
copy command on the edit menu).This might be ok if you're used to it,
but I found it very annoying.

The KDoc patch adds Objective-C parsing, and Objective-C versions of
the @see and @ref directives. eg '@ref -[Array count]' or '@see

I've created five KDevelop projects to cover the entire GNUstep
source tree (everything under the 'core' directory):

*        ./core/Testing/gnusteptesting.kdevprj
*        ./core/base/gnustepbase.kdevprj
*        ./core/gui/gnustepgui.kdevprj
*        ./core/xgps/gnustepxgps.kdevprj
*        ./core/gnustep.kdevprj

This file is my attempt at defining a KDE mime type for Objective-C.
The kfm file manager can then tell that a '.m' file is an Objective-C

*        x-objcsrc.kdelnk


Download KDevelop-1.0beta4 from the KDevelop web site at
http://www.kdevelop.org. You will find instructions there on the other
resources needed to install KDevelop. KDoc is also on the KDevelop

You will need to download KDbg for visual debugging, and
configure it to use a version of gdb which is patched for Objective-C.

KWrite is on the KDE web site (http://www.kde.org) in
kdeutils-1.1.2/kwrite. You don't need to have KWrite to use KDevelop,
but it's handy to have a separate text editor with the same language
syntax highlighting as the IDE.

Copy the five KDevelop projects to the directories in the GNUstep
source code tree as above.

Copy kdevelop-1.0beta4objc.patch and kdevelop-1.0beta4objc.patch to
the directory above KDevelopbeta4

 $ cd  kdevelop-1.0beta4
 $ patch -p1 < ../kdevelop-1.0beta4objc.patch
 $ patch -p1 < ../kdevelop-1.0beta4autocopy.patch
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ make install
Copy the KDoc patch to the directory above kdoc
 $ cd kdedoc
 $ patch -p1 < ../kdedocobjc.patch
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ make install

Copy kwriteobjc.patch and kwriteautocopy.patch to the directory above

 $ cd kdeutils-1.1.2
 $ ./configure
 $ cd kwrite
 $ patch -p1 < ../kwriteobjc.patch
 $ patch -p1 < ../kwriteautocopy.patch
 $ make
 $ make install

Copy the KDE mime definition file 'x-objcsrc.kdelnk' to


Start up KDevelop, choose the 'Options->Syntax Highlighting' menu
remove the '*.h' pattern from the C++ syntax highlighting option, then
choose Objective-C syntax highlighting, add a '*.h' pattern. This is
so the editor will assume '.h' files are Objective-C rather than C++.

Open up a GNUstep project, and have fun exploring with the excellent
class browser. Generate the api documentation by using the
'Project->Make API-Doc' menu command to invoke kdoc. Then have some
more fun browsing the HTML documentation. Marvel at the class
hierarchy diagrams from the 'Show graphical class view' menu option.
No protocol inheritance I'm afraid though - the size of the
GNUstep hierarchy with protocols appeared to choke the diagram drawing

For the purposes of browsing, category names are converted into class
names by concatenationg "<class name> '(' <category name> ')'"
together, and considering the category to be a sub-class of <class

KDevelop has CVS support, but I haven't worked out how to define the
GNUstep repository in the project files yet.


Welcome at the email address below..

-- Richard Dale (Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk)

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