RPM's & SRPMS of kdevelop-1.0beta4

Haakon Nilsen haakon.nilsen at nsd.uib.no
Wed Oct 27 18:20:21 BST 1999

At 13:25 27.10.99 +0000, you wrote:
>I have created SRPMS ( & an RPM for i686 on Mandrake)..   Is there any place
>to put these?  {if anyone is interested}

I'd be most interested in the binary RPM for Mandrake! I'm sure many others
would also.

>also..  Is there much difference between beta 3 & 4...  Changes only says
>bugfixes and class parser.

I don't suspect there's many changes - there shouldn't be, as this is beta
and no more features are supposed to go in, only bugfixes...

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