Anmoter set of comments

Massimo Morin mmorin at
Wed Oct 20 22:23:17 BST 1999

Hi guys 
   here are other comments :)
I haven't seen any response to my previous email.... anyone took a
look at it??

These comments applie to 
kdevelop 19991019-A,  Qt 1.44, kde 1.1.2 on RH5.1

o  Add button "cancel" to the "Attention" box during load of an
   existing file into a project. This will allow to interrumpt the
   action of including multiple files when you mispell the directory
   in which they are contained :)

o  When compiling it could be a good idea to avoid to set the "view"
always to be the last message
   printed in the "messages" pane window.
   In emacs, by deafult it is the last message printed, but if you
   move the scroolbar, or if you click on the window it will stop
   scrolling. For activating the scrolling again you put the mouse to
   the last line printed (or end buffer on emacs).
   I found this very handy and usefull...

o  Is it possible to create different target in the makefile??? How
   can we edit the makefile?

o  I don't understqand but under certain condition the main function
   in main.cpp  will not be created!

o  The methos 
   void CErrorMessageParser::parseInMakeMode(QString*
   makeoutput,QString startdir);
   is too slow!!! It takes VERY long parsing the output of one of my
   The problem is in
    90   // fill the outputlist
    91   while(next != -1){
    92     next = makeoutput->find('\n',pos);
    93     if(next != -1){
    94       str = makeoutput->mid(pos,next-pos);
    95       outputlist.append(str);
    96     }
    97     pos = next+1;
    98   }
   it takes too long to parse the line!
   makeoutput is 1270111 bytes long (in this case) and at the end
   outputlist is going to have 9771 nodes! 
   It could be a good idea to do all this stuff when we insert the
   data into the window rather than parsing it when the data is fully
   inserted (here you can add all your stuff for

o  Add existing file in project: the file already exist!
   There is a dialog that ask for overwriting the file: yes,no, cancel
   It is not clear what the cancel does.
   It could be more meaningful if it the buttons were labeled: skip,
   Furthermore it could be nice to add the buttons:
   rename, overwirte all, skip all, abort

Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at                        .'
+1 (617) 484 2999                        .'
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