Few points: improvement, bugs...

Sandy Meier smeier at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Tue Oct 19 17:29:27 BST 1999

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 you wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Sandy Meier wrote:
> > KDE CVS, so IMO it's better to work with the normal 1.0 FINAL branch.:-)
> Sandy: Can you provide us with an estimate when KDevelop 1.0 will be ready
> for shipment to the masses?

We have no release date for KDevelop 1.0 but I think we will ship it this
year. :-)

But if the users write "I am begining to believe that all these success
stories are made up!!!", and "I really wonder if Kdevelop ever reaches
maturity..." and so on, we can't release the 1.0final without getting many
flames. :-( Unfortunaly it's very difficult to write stable programs for UNIX
with so many different processors, OS's,  distributions, C-libs ....


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