Few points: improvement, bugs...

Stefan Preble sfp2322 at ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Fri Oct 15 01:11:40 BST 1999

> o The "include file into project", I'd like when I scroll down with
>   the mouse (licke clicking on a file name) the window scrool
>   too. Instead now I have to move to the scroll bar for doing that.
> o The "include file into project", I'd like to have proper filters
>   like "cpp files" "h files" "cpp + c" " cpp + c + h" "all files"
>   [Fix:
> ../kdevelop/caddexistingfiledlg.cpp:176:  QStrList files(
> QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(0,QDir::homeDirPath(),this,i18n("Source
> File(s)...")) );
>   change the 0 into the list of the filter you want: I could have done
>   it, but I don't know how the filter list works :( next time (very
> soon!)]
> o Removing a file from a project: why not allowing multiple selection
>   of files from RFV? In that way I can delete all I want!
>   BTW: it is rescanning the whole project when I delete a file, so in
>   this case I have to rescan the project n times if  I remove n
>   files.... and why is it closing/refolding the tree view? At least
>   let it open....
> o when you remove a file from the project it should be removed from
>   the editor too (if it is edited). In that case you do not have
>   annyoing messages from the autosaver "file does not exists"

Let me first say, the kdevelop team didn't create the open file dialog. That
is a standard QT dialog (QFileDialog). However, most of your suggestions
will be taken care of very soon.  I'll let you know what I'm working on to
improve the file selection dialog. However, there is only so much I can do
unless the dialog is rewritten completely.

Things I don't have control of:

1) The scrolling thing is pretty much out of my hands. I know what you mean
2) The click, ctrl-click, and shift-click. There is no way I can trap these
and do the appropriate behaviour. This is definitely quite annoying tho...

Things I do have control of:

1) I will definitely implement the filtering thing.
2) I am adding the ability to add entire trees of source directories
3) I will give the ability to maintain the structure of the tree (as opposed
to copying all of the files into the same directory!)

Things I will think of doing:

1) Writing my own file dialog that isn't so limited or improving the kde
2) Allowing multiple selections in RFV

I hope this will help you and this should be out soon. I'm not sure if it
will be included in the next beta or in a future release. However, if you
really want this feature just let me know and I'll provide the updates for
you. I know a lot of people wish this was there...

Stefan F. Preble

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