looping reading files on NFS systems

Massimo Morin mmorin at schedsys.com
Thu Oct 14 12:12:03 BST 1999

        this is the second time it happends and I don't know how to fix
I created a prj. When it is loading the template file for crating the
project stuff it loops on the following while.

in cproject.cpp
   900 void CProject::setKDevelopWriteArea(QString makefile){
   901   QString abs_filename = getProjectDir() + makefile;
   902   QFile file(abs_filename);
   903   QStrList list;
   904   bool found = false;
   905   QTextStream stream(&file);
   906   QString str;
   908   if(file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ // read the makefileam
   909     while(!stream.eof()){
   910       list.append(stream.readLine());
   911     }
   912   }
   913   file.close();

Actually the abs_filename contains the right filename
The source file is under NFS in a Linux box (rh5.0 kernel 2.2.10ac3)
it seems that if I do a cat of the file while in the loop I obtain
cat: /home/mmorin/Prg/Porting/cpnet/cpnet/Makefile.am: Stale NFS file

My system is a RH5.1 and I'm using kde 1.1.2, qt 1.44


Massimo Morin                                .'
mmorin at schedsys.com                        .'
+1 (617) 484 2999                        .'
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