QT-Library DOC causes segmentation fault

Holger Knust hknust at adelphia.net
Mon Oct 11 23:01:59 BST 1999

At 07:12 AM 10/10/99 -0400, you wrote:

>I'm using 1.0beta3. When I click on the QT-Library documentation in either
>the Help Menu or the DOC tab then I get a "segmentation fault - core dumped".
>I do have the QT-Library HTML documentation installed.
>Is there something I've missed?
>Should I provide more information to help debug this problem?

run Kdevelop from a shell and look at the output. I suspect the problem 
stems from the jpeg lib. I had two versions of the library installed and 
the wrong version was loaded to display the images, causing kdevelop to 


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