smgl tools version

Andrea Scaggiante scaggiante.a at
Fri Nov 26 11:15:48 GMT 1999

Hy to everybody.
So I think I must install smgl tools 1 to work with KDevelop.
Is there anybody so kindly to send me this zipped tool, being sure (almost
it can be install on a Solaris7 with a Sun make.
A second problem:
I'm not able to download kdoc tool from May
anybody send me it or write me an ftp/http address where to find it?
Thanks for everything you can do.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bernd Gehrmann <bernd at>
To: <kdevelop at>
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 1999 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: smgl tools version

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 Andrea Scaggiante wrote:
>Hy to everybody.
>I downloaded smgl tools 1.0.9 to use them with KDevelop IDE.
>I'm trying to install them on a Sun Solaris7 but installation program does
>not work. I wrote to the maillist but they say sgml-tools v1.0.x is
>My I install smgl tools 2.0.2?
>Does Kdevelop works with that version?

sgmltools 2 are completely different from sgmltools 1 and they have
both stupid names. sgmltools 1 should be 'linuxdoc-tools' whereas
sgmltools 2 should be 'docbook-tools'.


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