KDevelop Project to SPEC file converter (Take 1)

Heiko Nardmann h.nardmann at secunet.de
Tue Nov 23 09:24:09 GMT 1999

ian reinhart geiser wrote:

> I have just finished the first iteration of development
> on my KDevelop Project to SPEC file converter.
> Please check it out:
> http://www.msoe.edu/~geiseri/projects.phtml?project=Kpp
> Here is a list of Current Features:
>         1)      Supports KDevelop projects from 1.0Beta 1 and greater
>         2)      Supports RPM 3.0 or greater
>         3)      User can edit and create SPEC files without a project
> Here are features that I am going to work on:
>         1)      KDevelop integration.
>         2)      Actual RPM generation
>         3)      A script builder for generateing RPM scripts
>         4)      Ability to read old SPEC files and generate
>                 KDevelop projects.
>         5)      Support for multitarget RPMs

How about adding support for HP-UX software depots, Solaris packages or
other package formats?
Although I don't use kdevelop already (no project and time) this would
make kdevelop much more
powerful on other platforms without RPM, too.

Heiko Nardmann (Dipl.-Ing.), h.nardmann at secunet.de, Software Development
secunet Security Networks AG - Sicherheit in Netzwerken (www.secunet.de),

Weidenauer Str. 223-225, D-57076 Siegen
Tel. : +49 271 48950-13, Fax  : +49 271 48950-50

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