Some Requests, f.e. moving files

Achim Spangler spangler at
Mon Nov 15 15:04:55 GMT 1999

Hi all,
the good class creator of kdevelop can still only create the file in the
standard directory. 
Is it too complicated to offer the possibility to command a subdirectory
for the generated class 
files, or why wasn't it integrated since my last request in this point? 
- I understood the according answer as if this feature would be part of
the 1.0 release.

The only way to move my newly created class files to a new directory, is
to use "add existing files" 
menue item and set as target the wanted directory. If the directory was
new manually created, kdevelop 
creates the needed makefile in a correct way. I have to delete the
original created files everytime 
manually by hand.
--> What about a file dialog in LFV or RFV where a file could be moved
AND renamed in a project

Most of the personally known editors (f.e. (x)emacs, nedit) highlights
closing brackets. 
The last answer to a related question told that kwrite can do this
standalone, but not integrated in kdevelop.
--> Will this be part of final 1.0 of kdevelop?

What about the option, to let the search/replace dialog stay alive, till
closed explicit.
This could speed a series of replace actions. I know this feature f.e.
from nedit.
Related to this the extended nedit has a menue (static in menuebar) text
item, where I can insert text, 
which is searched automatically in the actual buffer.

The class browser seems to have problems with operator functions (f.e.
FOO::operator=(FOO& src) ).
I can't jump to the definition of an automatic created operator member

Last but not least kdevelop crashes everytime kdevelop performs
automatic save during using a member
function dreate dialog on click on OK. 
---> if kdevelop saves during filling out the dialog I must close the
dialog with CANCEL to prevent 
kdevelop from crashing

Dipl.-Inform. Achim Spangler                TUM Freising-Weihenstephan
Tel.:  +49-8161-71 3565                     Institut fuer Landtechnik
Fax.:  +49-8161-71 3895                     Am Staudengarten 2
Email: spangler at    85350 Freising
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