Jonas Nordin jonas.nordin at cenacle.se
Mon Jun 28 19:41:47 BST 1999

> If I start KDevelop from a dir which I don't have write permissions in, it hangs when
> parsing the files. This is the bug which has annoyed me for more then two weeks, I've
> really not had any idea why this happend and there has been others with the same problem.
> It was pure luck that I happend to find the bug today, I could aswell have been unable
> to use KDevelop for weeks more or even months. Does this happend on all systems, or are
> there something special with my box that cause it? I assume that the KDE's Startmenu
> automaticlly start programs from within the fs root, atleast it's doing that here it seems?

Ignore the last message. This problem is fixed in CVS.


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