total crash of Linux during KDevelops autosave

Sandy Meier smeier at
Tue Jun 22 18:24:38 BST 1999

Am Tue, 22 Jun 1999 you wrote:
>While I was editing a header file, KDevelop started the autosaving. In
>xosview I could see how the swap partition was filled and that the
>system took 100% CPU and as the swap file reached the 132MB, everything
>was dead. Only RESET helped. :-(.

As a developer you should have something like this in your /etc/profile or $HOME/profile :

ulimit -c 20000                # only core-files less than 20 MB are written
ulimit -d 15000                # max data size of a program is 15 MB
ulimit -s 15000                # max stack size of a program is 15 MB
ulimit -m 30000                # max resident set size is 30 MB

This prevent you from system crashs with alpha-state-software like KDevelop. :-)



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