Intellisense (tm)

Brian Juergensmeyer brianj at
Mon Jun 21 23:49:08 BST 1999

Hi, all,
	As long as we are hashing this out, I would suggest snatching a page 
out of Borland/Inprise's book and doing something like the following:

int FOO = Object -> 

and have Intellisense/Code completion filter out everything that does 
not return an integer. Delphi 4 already does this.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 6/21/99, 8:10:33 PM, Kevin Burton <burton at> wrote 
regarding Re: Intellisense (tm):

/* snip */

> So for example if you have an object with 4 methods (methodOne,
> methodTwo, methodThree, methodFour) and you use an accessor on that
> object you will get its methods:

> myObject->

> will produce a list that contains the 4 methods.  At this point you 
> either arrow down and tab to select a method or use the mouse.  Then 
> will print out a list of parameters you must provide and optionally 
> standard documentation about what these parameters mean.  If this 
> is overloaded it will provide all methods.

/* snip */

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