problem with automoc and certain pathnames

Armin L. Schneider armin.schneider at
Mon Jun 21 19:26:21 BST 1999

I tried today to create a new project with a project-directory
'/home/armin/C++/test-app'.  But automoc complains with the following error:

    /^/home/armin/C++/hihi//: nested *?+ in regexp at automoc line 360.

The reason for this are two regexp  replacements:

    $printname =~ s#^$curdir/##; 
    $lastdirname =~ s#^$curdir/##;

where $curdir contains 'home/armin/C++/hihi'.
Perl treats the two '+'  of 'C++' as special regular expression
characters. Two succesive regexp characters like '++' or '+*' etc. are
not allowed. There are two such lines in automoc which I replaced by:

    $printname = substr ($printname, length($curdir)+1);
    $lastdirname = substr ($lastdirname, length($curdir)+1);

which is less elegant but more functional...
You have to patch automoc in the archives:
   - mini.tar.gz
   - normal.tar.gz
   - qt.tar.gz
which you can find in $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdevelop/templates.
I included the patch in the attatchment.
Have fun,


Kdevelop is really great!!!
      ____   ______________________________________________________
  /\ /___   / Armin Schneider , EMAIL: armin.schneider at   \
_/__\___/   |                                                      |
/    \      \___Those who can, do... Those who can't use Windows!__/
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