AW: compiling kdevelop fails

Stebich Frank Frank.Stebich at
Mon Jun 21 07:52:12 BST 1999

	[Stebich Frank]  [...]
	 I am trying to compile kdevelop-0.4 now a few days. But i got a lot
> undefinded references like png_ * in by linking the whole
> packet.
> configure checks for libpng, but it did not found it, but it is still
> installed
> under /uxr/X11R6/lib and /usr/lib. The headerfiles are present,too.
	[Stebich Frank]  [...]

	I had the same problem a few days ago. To compile kdevelop
	1. call ./configure
	2. edit kdevelop/Makefile (add "-L/usr/X11/lib -lpng")
	3. call make and make install

	It's not the best idea but it works.


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