I need A good TUT

Bernd Gehrmann bernd at physik.hu-berlin.de
Sun Jun 20 18:03:54 BST 1999

On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, o(PRO)o wrote:

> Kevin Burton wrote:
> > There is a GNU Visual Basic project.  Although it is kind of a sin to do
> > any UNIX work in VB as far as I am concerned.
> >
> > I know, but im missing programming WAY 2 MUCH, and there are some app's i
> > need and this C/C++
> book is way to fat to read.........

Then Python may be something for you. It's an object-oriented RAD
language with a frustration level that is significantly lower
than for C or C++. Not something for projects in the order of
10^4 - 10^5 lines, but very maintainable for 'normal' programs.
Go to www.python.org, read the tutorial and you write your first
Python program after half an hour.

For GUIs, it has an interface (Tkinter) to Tk. There is also
some work on an interface to Qt, but it is probably not as 
stable and well-documented.

Just my 0.02 Euro :-)


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