About KDevelop 0.4 ..

Denis Oliver Kropp dok at fischlustig.de
Tue Jun 1 21:31:15 BST 1999

Your crap from Die, 01 Jun 1999:
> Hi all,
> I've been using Kdevelop 0.3.1 for a while now. 
> I had been trying to stay away from snapshots in general, as I am not
> very familiar with the whole CVS stuff...
> But I downloaded the .tar.gz archive of today's (June 1st) snapshot, in
> order to be able to help for the release of Kdevelop 0.4. However, I'm
> stuck: there is no configure file in there, and I don't know what to do
> now... As I said: I'm really not familiar with the tools used to create
> Kdevelop.
> So if anybody was kind enough to tell me what I should do to get this
> thing to compile, or point me to a document that explains it, it would
> be great.. Thanks a lot!

simply run:


> -- 
> Charles Boivin
> Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering
> University of British Columbia
Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.
www.fischlustig.de/clanbomber	www.clanlib.org

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