kdevelop 0.4 on SuSE 6.1 - configure problems

Heiko Nardmann h.nardmann at secunet.de
Wed Jul 21 17:19:10 BST 1999

Oops ... they offer it as an RPM?

I think I missed that since I only rarely visit the update page.
Thanks for this hint.

Any way to keep be informed whenever the page changes?
Or how can a mirror of the updates be run?

"Jan W. Zumwalt" schrieb:
> I just installed .4 on my SUSE 6.1 also with no problems. One thing I noticed is that they recomended you use the "kdevelop-0.4.i386.suse.rpm" instead of the "tar" file. I had already downloaded the "tar" 1/2 way before I noticed the other file.
> Anyway the "rpm" installed without a glitch - I highly recomend it.

Ciao ... Heiko Nardmann (Dipl.-Ing.), h.nardmann at secunet.de, Software
secunet (www.secunet.de), Security Networks GmbH - Sicherheit in
Weidenauer Str. 223-225, D-57076 Siegen
Tel. : +49 271 48950-13, Fax  : +49 271 48950-50

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