kdevelop 0.4 on SuSE 6.1 - configure problems

Jan W. Zumwalt jan99508 at zdnetmail.com
Wed Jul 21 12:18:11 BST 1999

I just installed .4 on my SUSE 6.1 also with no problems. One thing I noticed is that they recomended you use the "kdevelop-0.4.i386.suse.rpm" instead of the "tar" file. I had already downloaded the "tar" 1/2 way before I noticed the other file.

Anyway the "rpm" installed without a glitch - I highly recomend it.


Now for my problem... I can not get the KDE lib documentaion to show up when you "click" on it. I downloaded all known doc files. When I click on it, it asks if I wnat to "generate" it. I say yes and make sure the "doc" download is in the right place. It errors and says the doc files don't exist.

For example it is looking for "kde-kab". What am I doing wrong?

This happened in ver .3 and I just thought it was a bug... now I think I am doing something wrong.
Jan W.Zumwalt
Computer Electronics
717 Northway Drive.
Anchorage, Ak 99508
jan99508 at zdnetmail.com

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 09:01:47   Heiko Nardmann wrote:
>I have tried to install kdevelop 0.4 on my SuSE 6.1 system.
>After unpacking the tar.gz file I have done the following:
>./configure --prefix=/usr/opt/kdevelop-0.4 --enable-static

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