Problems with KDevelop when using Qt QGLWidget

Peyre peyre at
Tue Aug 24 16:53:03 BST 1999

Thank you for these good advice. I can say I'm a beginer with LINUX and much
more with KDevelop. I woud not have thought to include the Xmu library : I've
never heard about it. Anyway, thank you once again.

On mar, 24 aoû 1999, you wrote:
>  all you need is -lXmu.
>   when you meet such problem next time,you should first locate the
>is compile error,the other is link can i know it?see which file cause
>the error,e.g. if the message is:
>  "myapp.cpp: undefined simble...",we know it is wrong with "myapp.cpp",so it is
>a complie error.mostly it is syntax error.but your message is:
>/usr/local/qt/lib/libqgl.a(qgl.o): In function `choose_cmap(_XDisplay *,
>XVisualInfo *)': qgl.o(.text+0x66d): undefined reference to
>`XmuLookupStandardColormap' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>the file is "libqgl.a", so we know it is a link error.such errors are often
>caused by missing some can know which library is missing?
>you can guess from the see:
>"undefined reference to XmuLookupStandardColormap",so you may guess 
>the library is Xmu (from the first 3 letters).you can use 'ldconfig -p|grep Xmu'
>to check it.the functions usually has the same first letters with their
>libraries for convinence.
>  by the way,when you do OpenGL work under linux. the libraries are(mostly):
>		your qt libraies
>		your kde libraies
>		-lX11 -lXext -lXt -lXmu -lXi
>		-lGL -lGLU -lglut
>		-lm
>have i said too much :-(.  good luck,if you succeed,please give me a feedback
>thank you.(i am not an english-spoken man,execuse my syntax errors :-)
>best regards.
Hubert Peyré
Pole API - Bd Sébastien Brant - 67400 Illkirch
Tel : +33 (0) 388 65 55 41
E-mail : peyre at

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