Bugs in beta 2

Richard Moore rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Aug 24 12:55:39 BST 1999

Setup:	SuSE 6.1
	KDE 1.1.2pre

- kdoc should really be included in the distribution (too late now
though, I guess).

- Open a project, then select 'Close All' from the File menu. Now run
make and you get asked to save the (empty!) buffers left in the editor.

- No context menus to hide the tree or output views

- Kvt should be listed in the tools menu

- Changing the name of a project does not correctly update the
bin_PROGRAMS entry in the kdevprj file (or the Makefile.am).

- Note that the tight coupling between the project name and the target
executable will cause problems when the time comes to support projects
with multiple binaries, or shared library projects.

- The 'create' button of the project wizard is in the wrong place. It
should be exactly where the 'Next' button was on the second to last
I have also had some crashes when generating projects, but I cannot
reproduce them. :-(

     Richard Moore		rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
http://www.robocast.com/	richard at robocast.com
http://developer.kde.org/	rich at kde.org

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