New graphical applications in kde

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Fri Aug 20 07:28:27 BST 1999

Ken Brakey wrote:
> But, You're two and 1/2 years too early! KDevelop wasn't written until 1999.
> :)
> Check your computer date.
I think we've unhide a time traveller. Someone should inform the FBI! :)

> Javier Pardo Celada wrote:
> >     Hello, my name is Javier Pardo, I am Senior Computer Science
> > Engineer and
> >  I´d know how to begin to create news graphical applications with Kde.
> >     Do I need some kit of developement?
You needn't to use the whole KDE stuff and all its special libraries.
You could climb one step downstairs and use only the Qt library of Troll
Tech (see Qt is the basic GUI library of KDE
and has the advantage to be platform-independent (also on Microsoft's
Windblows) and to be able to run without KDE. In my opinion, Qt is the
best C++ GUI library of the 2. millenium. Qt is also excellently
suitably for graphics applications. There are some features satisfying a
graphics-apps programmer very well.
As Development-IDE you could use KDevelop. It directly supports Qt. Also
note that Qt is for free on Linux and everytime one step further than
KDE (today KDE uses Qt1.44 but Qt is at 2.01 now).



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