Icon copyright issues for 1.0

Ralf Nolden Ralf.Nolden at post.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Aug 10 07:16:02 BST 1999

John Zedlewski wrote:
> Hmm, I was using MSVC++ today at work, and I realized that a few of the
> toolbar icons for KDev are still the ones that were copied directly from a
> screenshot of the Microsoft IDE.  While I don't think anybody is in danger
> of being sued today, I'd point out that the main KDE folks have been
> prevented from using the name "Trash" for the trashcan, because that's an
> Apple copyright.  Clearly, actually lifting MS icons would be even more
> obvious and it would be a shame to have to make the change AFTER 1.0.  So
> does anybody have any ideas for new icons?  Specifically, the "Search in
> Files", "Dialog Builder" and "Workspace" icons are very obvious.  I've
> always though that the "Workspace" icon should show a tree view anyways,
> instead of whatever-the-hell they have on there.  Maybe we can find
> replacements among the existing set of KDE mini-icons?
> --JZ

Well, the icons were acutally made on the fly. I made a screenshot but
painted them myself. A pixel-to-pixel comparison makes that clear ;-)

But if anyone has better ones, please take the time and send

I talked with Torsten Rahn (artist team) about that issue on the
Linuxtag exhibition about that and we came to the point to make further
icons completely ourselves.


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