Some tips and questions..

Markus Gustavsson mighty at
Thu Aug 12 03:09:03 BST 1999

Christopher Baus wrote:
> > 7. It's been a while ago since last time i was programming, It was back in
> the 80's on my Amiga, where I
> >    usally used AMOS and Devpac. I remember that the functions in AMOS
> could be closed. I think that was
> >    a neat feature. Let me explain (in case some of you haven't used AMOS
> on Amiga). When doubleclicking
> >    on a function in the cpp file, (or selecting it and using a menu
> options for the same action), the
> >    whole function is `closed' up and only the init line of it is shown in
> the editor, that line is also
> >    marked with some highlighted color to show that it's a closed function.
> One can then doubleclick again
> >    to simply open it up again so all of it's code is shown. I liked this
> since it made it easy to hande
> >    really big files with many functions, it looks better and is easier to
> handle in the editor.
> >    Is there some way you could implement this in KDevelop,, I mean, if
> there's others than me who would
> >    like a feature like this?
> This is called folding in the Emacs world.
Hell Amiga. Emacs is for newcomers.
                                   __   _
Markus Gustavsson                 / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
Asperodsvaegen 12B               / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
45134 Uddevalla, Sweden         /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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